Wholesome Nutrition and Fitness for Life!
Our bodies are meant to move at all ages. The components of fitness include aerobic training to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strength training to improve muscle and bone strength, flexibility training to improve elasticity of the muscles, tendons and ligament tissues, balance training to improve propreoception and agility, and core training to improve postural imbalances that help over all strength of the body.
How does your fitness measure up? Click "Exercise 1-2-3" and choose a level that best describes your current exercise behavior. Then click "Exercise Recommends" and follow the recomendations for your current fitness level.
For optimal fitness the goal is to achieve Level 3. It is not recommended that a person jump from Level 1 all the way to Level 3. Exercise is an earned skill. Taking it a step at a time is a healthier process and allows your muscles, ligaments and tendons to adapt to the extra work load that is being put on the body. Jumping from Level 1 all the way to Level 3 often leads to injuries and not being able to stay with a consistent exercise program in the long term. Join the Your Health Matters Health and Wellness Program or get the help of an experience certified personal trainer to put together a sensible individualized training program for you.
Our bodies thrive on good nutrition. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and legumes, raw nuts and seeds will feed the body tissues for optimal health and wellness. A nutrient dense diet allows the body to achieve sustained energy, better sleep, clearer thinking, ideal body weight, builds strong bones, and fights off disease.
Refer to the "Your Health" tab for tips on how to improve your nutrition.
How does your nutrition measure up? Click "Nutrition A-B-C" and choose a level that best describes your current nutrition behavior. Then click "Nutrition Recommends" and follow the recomendations for your current nutrition level.
While some may initially believe Levels C and Level 3 are far reaching goals, it’s important to recognize the ill health of our westernized society brought on by poor nutrition and lack of enough activity. For the body to live optimally, an active lifestyle and a plant centered diet is imperative. The ultimate goal is to change to a healthy lifestyle and live at a C-3.
Note: It may be necessary to modify the activity level to accommodate physical limitations or age.
Be Proactive with Your Health
Level A results = expect minimal health benefits – a good place to start.
Level B results = expect moderate health benefits – you're on your way.
Level C results = expect maximum health benefits – you’ve arrived, now enjoy the benefits of your commitment to health.
With the help of the Your Health Matters Health and Wellness Program you can drastically improve your health.