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This information was taken from the World Health Organizations, Center of Disease Control, American Cancer Research and American Diabetic Association.


1.  By the middle of the century, spending on Medicare alone will consume an estimated 40% of the U.S. budget.


2.  Starbucks announced in 2007 it spends more on health care for employees than on coffee beans.


3.  246 million people suffer from diabetes.

     a.  Diabetes has tripled in the last 10 years.

     b.  Diabetes is a lifestyle disease.

     c.  1 out of 3 children born after the year 2000 is expected to get diabetes.


4.  The average American adult consumes 150 lbs of sugar per year, 275 lbs for teens.


5.  Studies reveal parents may outlive their kids because of health problems triggered by childhood obesity, lack of exercise and poor lifestyle practices.


6.  The American population is the fattest in the whole world…..ever!


7.  It is estimated if Americans continue their lifestyle path, by the year 2030 every American may be over weight.


8.  Since the USDA, American Heart Association and American Diabetic Association have introduced the food pyramid, nutritional guidelines, and moderation guidelines, the state of our nations health has declined dramatically.


9.  Eating a candy bar and drinking a soda can suppress the immune system for up to 6 hours.


10.  Half of the children in the U.S. under 2 years of age get zero vegetables per day.


11.  The number of people with cancer has increased every year for the last 75 years.


12.  American adults consume an average of 350 calories from oil per day (trans fats and refined oils), and 400 calories from animal fat.


13.  Olive oil is not cardiac protection. It raises LDL’s and increases heart disease, just not as much as saturated/trans fats.


14.  Switching to low saturated fat, safflower and sunflower oil still increases heart disease and diabetes. All oil increases heart conditions and diabetes.


15.  Nuts and seeds in their natural form, without being oiled, decreases heart disease.


16.  An obese population such as the United States consumes too many low volume and low nutrient foods.


17.  During World War II, Germany took away animal commodities from Norway and

Denmark. During that time heart disease decreased because people were forced to eat a plant based diet.


18.  The foods we eat have a much larger negative impact on the environment than the positive impact felt by driving less or driving a hybrid type car. It takes 10 - 13 lbs. of feed to put 1 lb. on a cow.


19.  The lack of fruits and vegetables in a child’s diet is linked to an increase in leukemia and brain tumors. Good nutrition is very important in the first 10 years of a child’s life because cells are replicating and dividing.


20.  A poor diet for children increases their risk of cancer later on in life.


21.  Susceptibility to carcinogens is highest in childhood. There is a 40 - 50 year lag time from toxic exposure to cancer occurrence.


22.  People cannot expect “The Cure” to come in a pill. Healthy lifestyle habits are essential to maintaining good health.


23.  People who are overweight increase their risk of heart attack and early death by 6 times.


24.  Children who eat more fruit lower their chance of cancer as an adult by 40%.


25.  Saturated fats, refined sugar and white flour increase your risk of  cancer.

       a.  Root vegetables and whole grains have no effect on your risk for ◄► cancer.

       b.  Fruits and vegetables decrease your risk for cancer.


26.  The average American child gets 90% of their calories from sugar, white flour, oil and dairy.


27.  To create cancer: high intake of meat and dairy, low intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.


28.  A healthy diet early on in life decreases the chance of colon, prostate and breast cancer later in life.


29.  For optimum health 80 - 90% of the diet should be fruits and vegetables.


30.  Nutrient content in tissue is important to fight against disease.


31.  A plant based diet includes raw and steamed vegetables, fruits, legumes, raw nuts, seeds, whole grains and only small amounts of meat, diary, processed or refined foods.


32.  Adding cruciferous vegetables to a diet increases absorption of nutrients into the body tissues – cruciferous foods include: Kale, mustard greens collard, cabbages, brussels sprouts.


33.  To facilitate greater nutrient absorption into the tissues, add avocado, nuts and seeds to your meals.


34.  Children in America eat less than 2% of their diet from natural plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Children moving into adulthood eat more than 90% of their calorie intake from animal products.


35.  Numerous trips to the Doctor for antibiotics, repeated ear infections, behavioral issues, are likely due to an inadequate diet.


36.  It takes up to 15 tries to make something palatable. The important thing is to keep trying and strengthen your palate.


37.  The effects of obesity are a great strain on the economic health of our nation. If Americans returned to its 1991 weight, 1 trillion dollars would be saved in health care costs. This savings would provide every American health insurance now.

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