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WATER Your Internal Sea


 Water is a component in all body tissue. It is crucial to survival.


 Under normal circumstances, the adult body loses 2 - 3 liters of fluid each day.


 Water accounts for roughly 60% of body weight. If your normal body weight decreases by as little as 3% due to water loss, your performance will be impaired. With a loss of just 

10 -12% water weight, death may occur.


 The average person needs about 1 oz of water for every 2 lbs of body weight (just take your current weight and divide by 2) on a daily basis. The amount of water you drink should increase if you exercise.


 Usually you can meet your need for water by drinking to satisfy thirst. However, after heavy exercise or during the stress of illness the bodies thirst mechanism is not reliable. After heavy sweating your thirst alone is not likely to prompt you to completely hydrate. In fact, if you rely only on thirst (after heavy sweating), you will probably only take in 1/2 the needed amount in 24 hours. It may take as long as 3 days to replace the fluid lost unless you drink more than thirst prompts you to consume.


 The body functions best if its fluid losses are promptly replaced.


 Participating in exercise under 60 minutes, water is recommended. If over 90 minutes the exerciser should use diluted juice or sports drinks. The added sugars improve water absorption from the small intestine to the bloodstream. Aim for 30 - 60 grams of carbohydrate per hour. 


 HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH? The healthy body under normal circumstances can cope with approximately 9 1/2 liters of water per day. It is very unlikely that a person would consume even half that amount, unless she or he had experienced considerable losses previously.


 If you plan to engage in vigorous activity such as an afternoon of tennis, gardening or a long hike, it would be appropriate to weigh yourself before and after the activity. Drink 2 cups of water for every pound lost.


 To keep the body from experiencing risks of dehydration drink water before, during and after exercise bouts. 


Symptoms of Dehydration

*Loss of Appetite       *Labored Breathing w/ Exercise      *Impaired Physical Performance      *Increasing Weakness   *Dizziness or Delirium    *Decreased Energy Production   *Circulatory System Impaired    *Skeletal Muscles Impaired *Body Temperature Rises    *Constipation    *Swollen Tongue    *Indistinct Speech     *Spastic Muscles     *Dry Mouth *Dark Yellow Urine        *Unable to Balance w/ Eyes Closed       *Reduction of Urinary Output        *Mental Confusion *Brain Function Impaired  *Difficulty Concentrating *Less Oxygen Delivered to Cells  *Cellular Metabolism Decreases

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